Love is in the air this month, so why not show your home some affection too? After all, home is where the heart is! Here are just a few ways you can give your home some TLC and prevent costly repairs.
1. Schedule a Roof Inspection
Spring will be here before you know it! Get ahead of any potential problems by scheduling an inspection now. Storm damage often cannot be seen from the ground level of your home and goes undetected until additional issues like roof leaks develop. Don’t let costly roof repairs break your heart! Scheduling a roof inspection is fast and easy. Click here to do it online today.
2. Make Easy DIY Updates
Even if you’re not planning on selling your home anytime soon, it’s always good to make small improvements to increase your home’s value. Plan a quick weekend project, like one of the following:
· Install a no-touch faucet on the kitchen sink
· Swap those brass drawer pulls from the 90s with a more modern design
· Replace the old fluorescent light fixtures in the bathroom
· Upgrade the frameless builder-grade mirror to a more stylish one
These simple changes can make a huge difference in how you see and enjoy your home and make it easier to sell when the time comes.
3. Brighten It Up
A tried-and-true way to spruce up your home is to switch out your paint colors. Paint a bathroom if you like to start small or go for a whole room or even your kitchen cabinets if you’re feeling brave.
4. Try Something New
Give your homes curb appeal a boost by updating your home’s siding, windows, or gutters. Homes with high curb appeal command higher prices and take less time to sell. Even if you are not planning on moving, updating the exterior of your home can make it easy for you to fall in love with your home all over again!
5. Make Sure It’s Protected
Reviewing your home insurance policy may not be the most exciting way to spend an evening, but it’s an excellent way to make sure there aren’t any obvious gaps in your coverage. Read your policy carefully. Are you overly insured? Or are you overpaying for the coverage you’re getting? Understanding your home insurance policy and making sure you have adequate coverage can prevent many headaches later in the event you file a claim.
A home is more than just a roof over your head. It’s a place that’s meant to be loved and enjoyed. Try some of these tips this weekend, and you’ll fall in love with your home even more.